Saturday, February 28, 2009

This Is the SSS Essence

Thursday 26th of Feb. 09 has saw the most fruitful and successful General Assembly from a long time, according to senior SSS members.
The semi-annual GA produced the following outcomes, according to the SSS Sec. Gen. Lou’ay Al-Tagy GA official minutes;
1) Adoption of team of officials reports.
2) Adoption of the projects' reports.
3) Adoption of the financial report.
4) Election of Aya Ahmed as SSS LOME, filling the SCOME’s vacant post.
5) Election of Mahmoud El-Hakim as SSS Treasurer, following Youssouf Helmy and Mohamed Bazan co-treasuring the SSS for the whole first term.
The current Team of Officials following the Thursday’s elections results in;
President: Hatem Alaa.
Secretary General: Lo’uay Al-Tagy.
Vice President for Internal Affairs: Moataz As-Saeed.
Vice President for External Affiars: Nihal Abel Azim.
Treasurer: Mahmoud Al-Hakim.

Local Exchange Officer-Outgoing: Mousa Azer.
Local Exchange Officer-Incoming: Mohammed Bazan.

Local Public Health Officer: Amany Ahmed.
Local Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS: Maay Adel.
Local Officer on Medical Education: Aya Ahmed.
Local Child Health and Humanitarian Projects Officer: Hagar Fakhry.

Editor: Hadeer Kheder.

In addition to a lot of fun during the long day, peaked at the voting process for the Movie Competition that was held at the end of the day between self-producing four short movies, created by, starring, and directed by SSS members.
Sondos Sa’a Setta "سندس الساعة ستة" has aced the competition with 13 votes out of 19, the movie which is co-directed by and starring Ahmed Zidan and Youssouf Helmy, in addition to starring Hedy Ayman, and edited by Mustafa Halaby.
Worthy to mention, that the winner movie will be uploaded soon to this blog.

1 comment:

nOk said...

I loooooved what you've done to the blog ya zeeeeeeeeeeid:DD..keep up the gr88888888 work!!:DD..bgad beya7'od el 3a2el (A):DD

How to Use This Blog?!

What is this blog? Is it yet another thing to read plus the zillion emails I receive per day? I'll just never open it again and rely on asking my friends about the news and activities of the SSS, this will keep me going!

Does this sound anything like you? If so, this blog is indeed for you. What is this and why has it been created?
As you know, in the SSS we have diverse activities and it is very hard to follow up merely on the "word of mouth" approach. That is why we've created the calendar to keep you in track of all the meetings or events in the SSS and to make the whole journey much easier for you.

This blog is a facilitator for the calendar; this means that if you find an activity in the calendar (scroll down for the calendar) that you think you want to be a part of, look for it in the blog. It will be labelled by the name of the committee and will have the title of the project itself. For an instance; the decorations team details will be found in the post "WAC Updates" which is also labelled "SCORA". Once you find it in the blog, you will find more details about this event, the contacts you need for it and how to join in. Didn't find it? Well, then this means that details are currently unavailable and a little info about it will be found in the post of the committee itself e.g. Anti-TB awareness will be found in the post "SCOPH Activities" until it starts!

What else could this blog offer me? Well, as a devoted member, you need to know the SSS most used abbreviations, missions, goals, bylaws, constitution, etc. All you have to do is scrolling down and there you are, links to download the important documents of the SSS and to visit important SSS related websites!

Ok, "sigh of relief," now I'm totally interested, how do I get started? On the right, you will find the titles of all the posts of the month. Check out the "SSS Groups" from the archives, which is posted on Dec. 07, and request to join the groups you're interested in (note to take: you cannot request to join the members' group unless you are an associate or a full member). Check out the blog periodically and now you're on the track.

No, I want more information! If so, then subscribe to the SSS New Members or SSS Members Group (according to your membership status) and check all the emails sent for more information about all the activities and more.

Thank you word goes to Rana Moharram, the ex-VPI for the academic year 2007/8 for her efforts in initiating this blog and keeping it updated throughout the whole last year.
I've the honour to take over this blog moderation from her, as a previous prominent member and a wonderful devotee for the SSS.

For more information do not hesitate to contact:

Ahmed Zidan
Editor-in-chief of the Members Affairsss Blog.
Student Scientific Society - Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - Egypt.
Phone Number: 0 10 11 60 96 9


Hadeer Kheder
Publications Support Division Director -Editor.
Student Scientific Society - Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - Egypt.